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comment out javascript

Code snippet for how to how to comment out javascript with sample and detail explanation

How to Comment Out JavaScript

Commenting is an essential part of any programming language, including JavaScript. It enables developers to annotate their code for future reference, making it easier to understand and modify.

Code snippet for Commenting

JavaScript supports both single line and multiline comments. Below is a simple JavaScript code where some parts are commented out.

// This is a single-line comment in JavaScript

This is a multiline comment in JavaScript
You can write as many lines as you wish to be ignored by the JavaScript interpreter.

var x = 5;  // Declare a variable and assign a value

Code Explanation for Commenting

In JavaScript, comments are created by using either the // syntax for single-line comments or the /* … */ syntax for multi-line comments.

The // will tell the JavaScript interpreter to ignore everything to the right of it on the same line. This is useful if you want to leave a short note about a single line of code.

// This is a single-line comment in JavaScript

On the other hand, the /* … */ syntax allows you to comment out multiple lines of code at once. This is useful for temporarily disabling a block of code or for leaving long descriptions about more complex sections of your script.

This is a multiline comment in JavaScript
You can write as many lines as you wish to be ignored by the JavaScript interpreter.

Additionally, you can also comment out bits of a line with the // syntax. This is handy if you want to quickly disable a piece of a code line.

var x = 5;  // Declare a variable and assign a value

In this case, ‘Declare a variable and assign a value’ is a comment which gives an explanation of the code and the JavaScript interpreter will ignore it.

In conclusion, commenting is a very useful and important tool when writing JavaScript or any other programming language. It helps in code readability and understanding for yourself, and for others who might use your code in the future.
