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check if object is empty javascript

Code snippet for how to how to check if object is empty javascript with sample and detail explanation

In JavaScript, sometimes you need to check the state of an object – is it empty or does it contain properties? In this article, we’ll explore how you can determine if an object is empty. Through simple guides and code snippets, you’ll grasp the whole procedure step by step.

Code snippet to Check if an Object Is Empty in JavaScript

One of the simplest and most straightforward ways to check if an object is empty is by checking its keys using a widely used library function in JavaScript called Object.keys(), which returns an array of a given object’s property names.

Here’s a simple code snippet demonstrating how to do it:

function isEmpty(obj) {
    return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;

let object1 = {};
console.log(isEmpty(object1)); // Outputs: true

let object2 = {name: 'John'};
console.log(isEmpty(object2)); // Outputs: false 

Code Explanation for Checking If an Object Is Empty

In this section, we are going to unravel the mystery behind what the function does, how they are written, and how they behave under different circumstances.

First, we declare a function named isEmpty which takes an object as its parameter. The purpose of this function is straightforward: it checks whether the object passed to it is empty or not.

Within the isEmpty function, we are making use of Object.keys(obj). Object.keys() is an in-built JavaScript function that returns an array of a given object’s property names, in the same order as we obtain manually loop through the properties.

When you pass the object into the Object.keys() function, it will return an array containing all of its keys. If the object is empty, then the length of the array returned by Object.keys() would be zero.

The length property of an array returns the number of elements in the array. Hence, Object.keys(obj).length will give us the number of properties in the object.

Then, we use === (strict equality) to compare this length to 0. If the object’s length is 0, that means the object is empty and the function returns true. If not, the function returns false.

The last lines are testing this function with two objects: object1 which is an empty object, and object2 which contains a property. The console output indicates whether each object is empty or not.

By following these steps, you should be capable to accurately ascertain whether an object in JavaScript is empty or not. This is a very handy skill to master, as it forms a fundamental part of many sophisticated algorithms and functions.
