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call a function in javascript

Code snippet for how to how to call a function in javascript with sample and detail explanation

JavaScript is a key tool in creating dynamic and interactive websites. This guide will walk you through the process of how to call a function in JavaScript.

Code Snippet for Calling a Function

To illustrate, we’re going to use a simple function named greet. Look at the code snippet below:

function greet(name) {
    console.log("Hello, " + name);

greet("John Doe");

In this code, we’re defining a function greet and then we’re calling the function.

Code Explanation for Calling a Function

In JavaScript, you call a function by simply typing the name of the function followed by (). If the function requires parameters, these will be placed inside the parentheses.

Let’s break down the code we’ve written:

  1. function greet(name) {: This line is where we’re defining our function. Here, greet is the name of our function and name inside the parentheses is a parameter for the function.

  2. console.log("Hello, " + name);: Within the function’s curly braces {}, we have the code that will be executed when the function is called. In this case, it’s logging a greeting message with the name we provide as a parameter.

  3. At the end, greet("John Doe"); is where we’re calling our function. We write the function name, followed by the parentheses - and since this function requires a parameter, we’re passing "John Doe" as an argument inside the parentheses.

When this piece of code is executed, it will print out: “Hello, John Doe” to the console.

Remember that calling a function in JavaScript is as easy as writing the function name followed by parentheses. If the function has parameter(s), you pass them in within the parentheses when you call it. This allows for great flexibility and dynamic usage in your JavaScript code.
