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find the index of a substring within a string in java

Code snippet on how to find the index of a substring within a string in java

  int index = str.indexOf("substring");

This code snippet is written in Java and will find the index of a substring within a string. The substring is provided as a string, and the index for the substring within the original string is returned as an integer.

To understand this code, the basic concepts of Strings need to be taken into account. A string is an array of characters or a sequence of characters. In this code snippet, we assign the original string to a variable called ‘str’. We then use the ‘indexOf’ method, which is used to find the index of the substring you provide. So in this case, we are looking for the index of a substring that we store in a variable called ‘substring’. Finally, the index is returned as an integer and stored in a variable called ‘index’.
