push docker image to docker hub
Simple docker step by step how to push docker image to docker hub with explanation
Docker Hub is an essential cloud-based platform where you can create, test, store, and distribute Docker container images. This tutorial will guide you through a straightforward process of pushing Docker images to Docker Hub.
Before we start, make sure you have a Docker ID. In case you don’t, create one by signing up on Docker Hub’s website. Once you’ve signed in to Docker Hub, follow these easy steps:
Step 1: Create a Docker Image
Firstly, you have to build a Docker image using the Docker command-line tool. For that, launch the command line and navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile of your application. Execute the following command to create a Docker image:
docker build -t <your_Docker_ID>/<image_name>:<tag>
This command tells Docker to build an image using the Dockerfile in the current directory (.
), tagging (-t) it with your Docker ID, image name, and optional tag.
Lets say your Docker ID is myid
, and you want to create an image for your app named myapp
, use this command:
docker build -t myid/myapp:latest .
Step 2: Check your Docker Image
After creating the Docker image, you need to make sure that it’s listed in your local system. This step will enable you to verify that the Docker image was created without any issues. Use the following command:
docker images
The docker images
command should list all the existing Docker images, including the one you’ve just built.
Step 3: Log in to Docker Hub from Command Line
The next step is to log into your Docker Hub account from your local command line. This is necessary as it connects your local Docker daemon with Docker Hub, thus enabling you to push the Docker image. To log in, type the following command:
docker login
You’ll be prompted to enter your Docker ID and password. After successful authentication, you should see a message saying, “Login Succeeded”.
Step 4: Push Image to Docker Hub
You’re now ready to push your Docker image to Docker Hub. All you need to do is execute the following command:
docker push <your_Docker_ID>/<image_name>:<tag>
For example, if you want to push the myapp
image that you created earlier, you would use this command:
docker push myid/myapp:latest
And voila! Your Docker image is now available on Docker Hub. You can verify its upload by checking your Docker Hub account for the uploaded image.
This guide has served to give you a straightforward path to push Docker images to Docker Hub. Remember that using Docker Hub provides you with a central repository for your Docker images, which is globally accessible and can aid considerably in your development and deployment processes.