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open docker terminal

Simple docker step by step how to open docker terminal with explanation

Opening the Docker terminal is a straightforward process that even a novice user can manage. This article will guide you through a step-by-step tutorial detailing how to successfully accomplish this.

Understanding Docker

Docker is an open-source platform designed to automate the process of creating, deploying, and running applications using containerization. It saves developers from worrying about system differences and system compatibilities, thus enhancing the software delivery process.

Step 1: Install Docker

Before interacting with the Docker terminal, Docker needs to be installed on your computer. Depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux), you can download Docker from the official Docker website and follow the installation instructions.

Step 2: Launch Docker

After successful installation, it’s time to launch Docker.

For Windows and macOS users:

  • Navigate to your applications folder
  • Search for Docker
  • Click on the Docker application to run it.

For Linux users:

  • Open the terminal
  • Type systemctl start docker to run Docker.

Remember, Docker might require admin privileges to run on your machine.

Step 3: Open Docker Terminal

Once Docker is running on your machine, you can interact with it via the terminal.

For Windows:

  • Open Command Prompt or PowerShell.

For macOS:

  • Open Terminal.

For Linux:

  • Stick with the already open Terminal.

Step 4: Interact with Docker

To ensure that Docker is installed and running properly on your machine, type docker version in the terminal and press Enter. This action will provide you with the installed Docker version.

To check all the available commands in Docker, type docker or docker help in the terminal and press Enter.

The terminal will display a list of Docker commands along with their descriptions, which you can use to create and manage Docker containers.

And that’s it! You’ve opened your Docker terminal and are ready to kickstart your Docker journey. Remember, it’s the command line where Docker unveils its true power and versatility. So, don’t shy away from experimenting and learning more about the advanced commands in Docker.
