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list docker containers

Simple docker step by step how to list docker containers with explanation

Docker containers have found extensive use in the software industry. This article will guide you through a simple step-by-step process to list these docker containers.


Mastering how to list Docker containers helps in managing docker projects.


Before getting started, it’s important to have Docker installed on your machine. This process varies depending on your operating system, so please refer to Docker’s official installation guides.

Step 1: Open the Terminal

Launch the Terminal application on your machine. On Windows, you can do this by searching for cmd in the start menu. On macOS and Linux systems, hit the Command or Control key, search for Terminal, and press enter.

Step 2: Docker ps Command

To get the list of running Docker containers, type the following command in the Terminal:

docker ps

This command will give you a list of all currently running Docker containers. The information displayed includes the container ID, image, command, status, ports, and the names of the containers.

Step 3: List All Containers

If you wish to show all containers (including the ones that aren’t currently running), use the -a argument with the docker ps command:

docker ps -a

The -a (or --all) option instructs Docker to show all containers.

Step 4: Improving The Output

If you need an easier way to read the output, consider using the --format argument. You can customize the display to only include specific details. Here’s an example usage:

docker ps --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}'

In the above example, Docker will list the container IDs, names, and statuses in a neat table.


Congratulations! You have just learned how to list Docker containers in a few simple steps. This command is vital in managing and inspecting your Docker environment. Keep practicing, and don’t forget to examine additional Docker commands to broaden your knowledge.
