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install docker on windows

Simple docker step by step how to install docker on windows with explanation

If you’re interested in running virtual environments on your Windows PC, Docker is a fantastic tool to use, and this article will guide you through the straightforward installation process.


Before starting, make sure you have a compatible version of Windows. Docker Desktop for Windows requires Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise, or Windows 10 Home with WSL 2. Also, ensure your PC meets the following system requirements:

  • 64-bit processor with Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)
  • 4GB system RAM
  • BIOS-level enabled hardware virtualization support must be enabled in BIOS settings

Downloading Docker

Begin by navigating to the Docker website at Click the green “Get Docker” button to download the Docker installer. Proceed to run the downloaded “Docker Desktop Installer.exe” file.

Installing Docker

Once the installer launches, it will guide you through the setup process. Hit the “Ok” button to start the installation, accepting the terms of the service agreement. The installation process will then start, installing Docker along with other features, such as the secure computing mode (Seccomp) utility.

This process might take a few minutes, depending on your system. Once complete, the Docker Desktop application automatically starts.

Running Docker

After the installation is successful, launch Docker Desktop from your apps menu or from the newly created shortcut on your desktop. The Docker icon will appear in your system tray indicating that Docker is indeed running.

You can verify the installation by opening your terminal. Type the command docker --version and you should see the Docker version you installed displayed.

Post-installation Steps

Finally, Docker urges users to configure the Docker desktop service to start up at login, thereby making it always available when needed. You can do this by right-clicking the Docker system tray icon, selecting ‘Settings’, and checking the ‘Start Docker Desktop when you log in’ box.

With these simple steps, you’ve successfully installed Docker on your Windows system and can start creating isolated environments for your projects. Happy Docking!
