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exit docker container

Simple docker step by step how to exit docker container with explanation

In this guide, you will learn the process of exiting a Docker container through a step by step approach.

Step 1: Identify the Docker Container

The first step is to identify the Docker container you want to exit. You can do that by executing the following command.

docker ps

This command will list all the running Docker containers along with their details such as Container ID, Image, Command, etc.

Step 2: Exiting a Docker Container in Interactive Mode

In case you are running your Docker container in interactive mode, use the CTRL + P and then CTRL + Q commands to exit. These commands will leave the container running in the background.

CTRL + P + Q

Step 3: Exiting a Docker Container in Detached Mode

If you are running your Docker container in detached mode, you need to stop it first in order to exit. Use the command below, replacing “container-id” with the ID of your Docker container.

docker stop <container-id>

With this command, Docker will send a SIGTERM signal to the container to stop its processes and then exit.

Step 4: Confirm if the Docker Container has Stopped

After you’ve sent the stop command, it’s wise to confirm if the container has truly stopped. This can be done with the command below:

docker ps

If the container has stopped successfully, it will not be listed under the running containers.

By following these steps, you can quit a Docker container effectively while ensuring your work is saved and secured. So, whether you’re in interactive or detached mode, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to exit Docker container smoothly.
