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enter a docker container

Simple docker step by step how to enter a docker container with explanation

Dive into the world of Docker containers by learning how to access them effectively in a few simple steps.

Docker containers, once set up, can become an essential part of your development pipeline. However, to explore the full potential of Docker, you should know how to enter a running Docker container. This tutorial will help you grasp this straightforward process.

Step 1: List Your Docker Containers

The first step to enter a Docker container is to know what containers are currently running. That can be achieved with the docker ps command in your terminal. Docker will display a list of all your running containers along with their ids, names, and the commands they’re running.

Step 2: Identify the Docker Container

Once you have the list of running containers, identify the container you want to access. Look at the NAMES column for an easy reference, or you might use the CONTAINER ID.

Step 3: Use Docker Exec Command

To enter the running Docker container, you can use the docker exec command followed by -it (which stands for interactive terminal), the container id or name, and the name of the shell you want to access. For example:

docker exec -it my_container_name /bin/bash

In this case, /bin/bash is used to enter the Bash shell inside the Docker container. If bash isn’t available in your container, you can try other shells like /bin/sh.

Congratulations! You’re now inside your Docker container and can execute commands as you wish.

Step 4: Exit the Docker Container

To leave a Docker container, you can use the exit command. This will return you to your host’s command prompt.

Remember, exiting an interactive Docker session like this will not stop your Docker container, it will keep running in the background.

Accessing a Docker container can be simple and quick. Familiarize yourself with these steps, and you’ll smoothly navigate through your Docker container system.
