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Swap A String In Dart

Code snippet for how to Swap A String In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Swapping a string can come in handy in various situations while you’re programming in Dart. This article will be focusing on one of the simple yet effective ways to swap a string in Dart, using a basic code snippet and then providing a step-by-step explanation.

Code Snippet: Swap A String In Dart

The following code snippet demonstrates a simple and effective way to swap strings in Dart:

void main() {
  var str1 = "hello";
  var str2 = 'world';

  var temp = str1;
  str1 = str2;
  str2 = temp;


When you run this program, it will swap the strings “hello” and “world”, and print:


Code Explanation: Swap A String In Dart

This code utilizes a temporary variable to swap two strings, str1 and str2. Let’s break it down step-by-step:

  1. var str1 = "hello"; and var str2 = 'world';: These lines of code declare two string variables str1 and str2.

  2. var temp = str1;: This line of code declares a new variable temp and assigns it the value of str1. At this point, temp equals “hello”.

  3. str1 = str2;: Here, the str1 variable is assigned the value of str2. So, str1 now equals “world”.

  4. str2 = temp;: This assigns str2 the value of temp. Since temp had been assigned the value of str1 before str1 was changed, str2 now equals “hello”.

  5. print(str1); and print(str2);: Finally, these commands print the new values of str1 and str2, effectively showing that the strings have been swapped.

This simple strategy for swapping variables can be applied not only to string data types but to other types as well. With the help of a temporary variable, swapping in Dart can be streamlined and efficient, making your coding journey a lot smoother.
