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Split A String By A Delimiter In Dart

Code snippet for how to Split A String By A Delimiter In Dart with sample and detail explanation

In programming, one of the basic operations is string manipulation and Dart is no exception. In this article, we’ll explore how to split a string by a delimiter using Dart language.

Code snippet for Splitting a String By a Delimiter In Dart

Here is a simple example containing the code to achieve this:

void main() { 
   String str = "hello,world,here,we,come"; 
   var array = str.split(","); 

Running the above code will produce: [‘hello’, ‘world’, ‘here’, ‘we’, ‘come’].

Code Explanation for Splitting a String By a Delimiter In Dart

Let’s break down the code and understand how it works step-by-step:

  1. First, we define a main function void main() {}, which is the entry point of the program.

  2. Inside this function, we defined a string called str that contains words separated by commas. Note that the delimiter can be anything, a space, a specific character, or even a word.

  3. Next, we use Dart’s built-in split method to split the string into an array. Essentially, split works by finding every instance of the specified delimiter (in this case, a comma) and breaking the string at those points. The result of this action is stored in the array variable.

  4. Every element between commas in the str string becomes an individual element inside the array.

  5. Finally, we print the array with the print method. Each word that was separated by a comma in the original str string is now its own separate element in the array list, which is [‘hello’, ‘world’, ‘here’, ‘we’, ‘come’].

And that’s it! With this simple code, you can split any string by any delimiter in Dart. Whether you’re parsing user input or working with text data, knowing how to effectively split a string is a fundamental skill in programming with Dart.
