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Iterate Over An Array In Dart

Code snippet for how to Iterate Over An Array In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Dart is a powerful programming language that is not only easy to learn but also comprises various features that allow coders to write elegant, scalable, and robust codes. One common task any developer might encounter in Dart is iterating over an array, and we will discuss the ways and means to achieve this in this article.

Code snippet to Iterate over an Array in Dart

The example below defines an array of integers and employs a for loop to iterate over every item:

void main() { 
  var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; 
  for(var item in array){ 

In the script above, the first line within the main function declares an array with 5 integer elements. Following that, we enter a for loop where “item” represents each item from the “array.” The loop will traverse each element in the array, and every iteration will print out the current “item.”

Code Explanation for Iterating Over an Array in Dart

In Dart, like in many other programming languages, ‘for’ loops allows you to iterate over items in arrays. The structure of the loop in the provided code sample includes the word ‘var,’ the variable name ‘item,’ the keyword ‘in,’ and the name of the array.

As the loop begins, Dart assigns the first item from ‘array’ to ‘item.’ The loop then executes for each ‘item’ in the array, printing the value of each ‘item’ to the console or terminal. Therefore, starting from 1, then 2, all the way to 5, all elements in the array will be iterated and printed.

Note that ‘print’ is a built-in function in Dart that writes the argument to the terminal.

Hence, by employing this method, you can easily iterate over the elements in an array in Dart. Make sure to understand the way ‘for’ loop works, as it can be used in various situations when you need to generate, map, reduce, or filter values in an array, and is thus, an essential tool in Dart programming.
