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Format A String In Dart

Code snippet for how to Format A String In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Formatting a string in the Dart programming language is a simple and straightforward procedure that even beginners can quickly grasp. This article will guide you through the process, by offering a practical code snippet and a detailed explanation of how it works.

Code snippet for Formatting A String In Dart

void main() {
  var name = 'John Doe';
  var age = 29;

  var message = 'Hello $name. You are $age years old.';


Code Explanation for Formatting A String In Dart

This code block is written in Dart, a language often used for app development, particularly with Flutter.

The process starts by calling the void main() function which is essentially the entry point of every Dart program. This function will run your code.

This example script contains two variables: name and age. Variable name is a String type valued ‘John Doe’ and age is an int type valued 29.

The $ sign is a special character in Dart that is used to directly insert or interpolate variables (in this case name and age) into a String. The third line of code from the example shows how String interpolation has been used.

The message: ‘Hello John Doe. You are 29 years old.’ is being assigned to the variable message.

Lastly, the print function is called in the script, which will output the contents of message to the console as: Hello John Doe. You are 29 years old. This brief snippet presents one of the ways you can format a string in Dart programming language.

Once you understand how the variable and print statement works in Dart, you can perform a variety of operations and modifications when dealing with strings. Understanding this is foundational to mastering Dart programming.
