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Find The Minimum And Maximum Element In An Array In Dart

Code snippet for how to Find The Minimum And Maximum Element In An Array In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Understanding the minimum and maximum elements in an array is a fundamental part of data analysis and coding tasks. This article will explain how to find the minimum and maximum elements in an array using Dart.

Code snippet for Finding Minimum and Maximum Elements in an Array

Here is a simple method that allows you to find the maximum and minimum elements in an array in Dart:

void main() {
  List<int> array = [4, 2, 9, 5, 1, 8];
  print('Minimum value in the list: ${array.first}');
  print('Maximum value in the list: ${array.last}');

Code Explanation for Finding Minimum and Maximum Elements in an Array

In the above snippet, we begin by declaring a function called main(), which is the starting point for all Dart applications. Inside this function, we define and initialize an array named array.

The array is a list of integers: [4, 2, 9, 5, 1, 8].

To find the minimum and maximum values in the array, we use the sort() method that Dart provides for lists. The sort() function organizes the elements in the list in ascending order - from the lowest to the highest.

After sorting, the smallest (minimum) element will be the first one in the list, and the largest (maximum) element will be the last one in the list.

We access the first and last elements using the properties first and last respectively. These are then printed out using the print() function. ${‘array.first’} represents the first element (minimum), and ${‘array.last’} represents the last element (maximum) in the array list.

It’s as simple as that! Now you know how to find the minimum and maximum elements in an array using Dart.
