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Declare An Integer In Dart

Code snippet for how to Declare An Integer In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Dart, an incredibly powerful general-purpose programming language introduced by Google, has found extensive use in contemporary app development, particularly for Flutter. In this article, we will delve into a simple and important concept, declaring an integer in Dart.

Code Snippet: Declaring an Integer in Dart

To declare an integer in Dart, you’d do the following:

int myVariable = 5;

Now that we have our code snippet, let’s dive into the explanation.

Code Explanation for Declaring an Integer in Dart

In Dart, the ‘int’ keyword is used to denote a data type for integer values. The variable name (‘myVariable’ in this case) follows the type declaration. After the equals sign, you can assign the initial value to the variable. In the above example, we have declared and initialized myVariable as 5 which is of integer type.

Let’s break it down:

  1. int: This keyword signifies that our variable is of integer type. It can hold whole numbers and no decimal digits.

  2. myVariable: This is the name of the variable. To conform with Dart’s conventions, we’ve adopted camelCase for the variable name.

  3. =: The equals sign here is what we call the assignment operator. It assigns the value on its right side to the variable on the left side.

  4. 5: The number 5 is the value assigned to our variable. It’s a simple integer without any decimal points.

And that’s it! You have successfully declared and initialized an integer in Dart. Future programming in Dart, particularly with Flutter for mobile app development, will be easier to manage once you’re familiar with this fundamental concept. Happy coding!
