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Declare A Local Variable In Dart

Code snippet for how to Declare A Local Variable In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Variables hold and manipulate data in programming. Given the static nature of Dart programming language, knowing how to declare a local variable in Dart becomes basic and vital for any novice Dart programmer.

Code snippet for Declaring a Local Variable In Dart

To declare a local variable in Dart, the syntax is as follows:

void main() { 
  var name = 'My Place'; 

Code Explanation for Declaring a Local Variable In Dart

In this piece of code, we start with the main() function, which is the entry point of our Dart program.

Then, we declare a variable using the var keyword. The var keyword in Dart tells the program that we are declaring a variable. Following this keyword, we specify the name of the variable, in our case, name. After the variable name, we add the equal sign =, followed by the value we want to assign to the variable. In our example, the value is ‘My Place’.

Remember that in Dart, every variable is an object; and the initial value is null. If you attempt to use a variable that you have not definitely assigned a value to, Dart gives you a null reference error. Therefore, it’s strongly recommended to assign values to your variables when you declare them.

Finally, print(name); will output the value of the name variable, which is ‘My Place’, to the console.

That’s how simple it is to declare a local variable in Dart. Remember, the variable declared in this manner (var name = 'My Place';) will only be accessible within the function where it is declared (in this case, within the main() function). Thus, making it a local variable.
