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Count A String Length In Dart

Code snippet for how to Count A String Length In Dart with sample and detail explanation

In Dart programming language, determining the length of a string can be very handy in several instances. This tutorial will guide you on how to count a string length in Dart using a very easy-to-understand method.

Code snippet for counting a string length

void main() { 
   String str = "Hello World!"; 
   print("The length of the string is: ${str.length}"); 

With this simple program, running it will result in a printout stating the length of the string in question. Here, the string is “Hello World!“.

Code Explanation for counting a string length

Now, let’s break down the code snippet to understand how it really works.

void main() { ... }: The main() function is the entry point for every Dart program. This is where the execution of the program begins.

String str = "Hello World!"; : Here, we are defining a string variable ‘str’ and assigning it to the sentence “Hello World!“. Our goal is to count the number of characters in this sentence.

print("The length of the string is: ${str.length}"); : This is a print statement, which prints the output in the console. Within the print statement, we are calculating the length of our string. str.length is a built-in method in Dart for determining the size of the string.

In this case, the length of “Hello World!” is 12, as it counted the spaces between the words. When you run this program, it will print ‘The length of the string is: 12’.

In conclusion, Dart makes it quite simple to find the length of a string. You just need to make use of in-built methods str.length where str is the string whose length you want to calculate.
