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Copy An Array In Dart

Code snippet for how to Copy An Array In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Dart is a versatile and potent language popularly used for programming. One important aspect of Dart involves the duplication of arrays, which allows programmers to maintain the original array data while manipulating a copy.

Copy An Array In Dart - Code Snippet

void main() { 
  List<int> oldArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; 
  List<int> newArray = List.from(oldArray); 

Code Explanation For “Copy An Array In Dart”

Let’s break down the given snippet for a better understanding of how Dart can be used to duplicate an array:

The first line void main() { defines the main function, which is the entry point of our Dart program.

In Dart, the List type is used to define arrays. In the next line, List<int> oldArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];, a list of integers named oldArray is defined.

The real core of this snippet lies in List<int> newArray = List.from(oldArray);. Here, a new list of integers, newArray, is being created. The constructor List.from is used to create a new list containing all elements from the oldArray. This effectively copies all data from the oldArray into the newArray.

Running this code will print out newArray, which should be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the same as oldArray.

So, this is a simple and straightforward method of copying an array in Dart. Remember that modifications to newArray will not affect oldArray and vice versa because these are two distinct objects in memory. Thus, you can perform whatever operations required on the copied array without the fear of losing or modifying the data from the original array.
