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Convert Variable From String To Int In Dart

Code snippet for how to Convert Variable From String To Int In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Understanding how to convert variables from one data type to another is an invaluable skill in any programming language. In this article, we will concentrate on the process of converting a string to an integer in Dart, a general-purpose programming language developed by Google.

Code snippet: Convert Variable From String To Int In Dart

To convert a string variable to an integer in Dart, we use the int.parse() function. Below is a simple example:

void main() {
  // Define a string variable
  String stringVariable = '123';
  // Convert the string to integer
  int intVariable = int.parse(stringVariable);
  // Print the integer variable

In this code, the ‘123’ string will be converted to the integer 123.

Code Explanation: Convert Variable From String To Int In Dart

Let’s delve further into the code snippet and explain how it works step by step.

  1. Defining a String Variable: The first step is to define a string. In our example, we have String stringVariable = '123';. Here, ‘123’ is a string because it’s enclosed in quotations.

  2. Conversion Process: To convert the string into an integer, Dart provides the int.parse() function that takes a string as input and converts it into an integer. You call this function on the int class and pass in your string variable as a parameter. In our code, the conversion process is done with int intVariable = int.parse(stringVariable);.

  3. Printing the Result: Finally, you can print the converted integer to the console to confirm the successful conversion. The line print(intVariable); achieves this.

When you run this program, it will output 123 as an integer to the console.

This is a straightforward and efficient way to convert a string to an integer in Dart. As a developer, it’s crucial to understand these fundamental processes as they form the building blocks for more complex programming tasks.
