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Convert An Array To A String In Dart

Code snippet for how to Convert An Array To A String In Dart with sample and detail explanation

In the world of programming, array manipulation is a common task. One feature that comes up frequently is converting an array to a string. This article provides an elaborated guide on how to accomplish this task using Dart language.

Code snippet for converting an array to a string

Dart provides a method called .join(), which can be used to convert an array to a string.

Here is an example:

void main() {
  List<String> array = ['Hello', 'world'];
  String joinedArray = array.join();

When you run this code, it will print Hello, world.

Code Explanation for converting an array to a string

In this example, we create a list of string elements.

List<String> array = ['Hello', 'world'];

Here’s a breakdown of what each part of the code snippet does:

  1. List<String>: This is Dart’s way of declaring a list of strings.
  2. array = ['Hello', 'world']; : Here we’re creating a new list and assigning it to the variable array. The square brackets tell Dart that this is a list, and the items inside the brackets are the elements of the list.

The next line of code is where the array gets converted to a string.

String joinedArray = array.join();

In this line:

  1. String joinedArray : This declares a new variable of type String called joinedArray.
  2. array.join(); : The join() method is called on the array variable. This takes all the elements in the array and combines them into a single string. By default, the elements are separated by a comma.

The final line of code prints out the converted string.


The print() function is a built-in Dart function that displays the argument passed to it in the console. In this case, it will display Hello, world.

This is a basic overview of how you can convert an array to a string in Dart. Keep practicing with different methods to bolster your Dart programming skills.
