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Concatenate A String In Dart

Code snippet for how to Concatenate A String In Dart with sample and detail explanation

The Dart programming language is an easy language to comprehend because it is concise and expressive. This article provides a concise tutorial on how to concatenate a string in Dart, which is a useful feature in string manipulation and further enhances the versatility of the language.

Code snippet for String Concatenation in Dart

void main() {
   String str1 = "Hello";
   String str2 = "World";
   String res = str1 + ' ' + str2;


When you run the program, the output will be “Hello World”.

Code Explanation for String Concatenation in Dart

The dart:core library provides built-in functions and classes like String, which includes methods for manipulating strings. In the provided Dart code snippet, we are concatenating two strings.

  1. Start by defining the function main(), which is the entry point of every Dart program.

  2. Inside the main() function, we declare two string variables, str1, and str2, and assign them the values “Hello” and “World” respectively.

   String str1 = "Hello";
   String str2 = "World";
  1. The next line of code is where the actual concatenation of the strings happens. We create a new string res and use the ’+’ operator to concatenate str1, a space in single quotes, and str2 together.
   String res = str1 + ' ' + str2;
  1. Finally, we use the print() method to output the resulting string to the console.

The whitespace between the single quotes is used to introduce space between the words “Hello” and “World”. Without it, the output would be “HelloWorld”. This example demonstrates the simplest form of string concatenation in Dart. You can manipulate multiple strings in a similar manner using the ’+’ operator.
