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Combine Two Strings In Dart

Code snippet for how to Combine Two Strings In Dart with sample and detail explanation

Dart is a robust language created by Google that’s known for its efficiency and simplicity. This guide will explore how to combine two strings in Dart, a fundamental aspect of string manipulation in any programming language.

Code snippet for Combining Two Strings

In Dart, we can combine or concatenate two strings using the addition (+) operator or the String interpolation way. First, let’s try to combine two strings using the addition operator:

void main() {
  String firstString = 'Hello';
  String secondString = 'World';

  String result = firstString + ' ' + secondString;

  print(result);  // Outputs: Hello World

Now using string interpolation:

void main() {
  String firstString = 'Hello';
  String secondString = 'World';

  String result = '$firstString $secondString';

  print(result);  // Outputs: Hello World

Code Explanation for Combining Two Strings

For the uninitiated, the above code snippets might seem a bit daunting, but once broken down, you will realize just how simple and straightforward the process is.

In the first step, we declare two variables firstString and secondString and assign them the values Hello and World respectively.

Next, let’s look at the two different ways to concatenate these strings using Dart.

For the first option, we use the + operator, akin to number addition. We create a third variable result and assign the value of firstString + ' ' + secondString to it.

Note that the whitespace surrounded by single quotes ' ' serves to insert a space between our two strings, preventing them from merging into one word.

In the second option, we concatenate strings using a feature in Dart called String interpolation. In this method, what we do is we directly place variables inside a string using a $ before the variable names.

Finally, we use the print() function to print the result to the console, thereby allowing the combination of firstString and secondString to be shown as Hello World.

As you can see, Dart offers two different ways of combining two strings, both equally efficient and easy to use. Depending on your use-case, you can use either the addition operator or string interpolation to meet your needs.
