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use flex css

Code snippet for how to use flex css with sample and detail explanation

Title: Using Flex CSS for Responsive Design

Flex CSS is a powerful tool in responsive web design, enabling developers to create fluid layouts with ease. This article offers a simple guide on how to use Flex CSS.

Code Snippet

Here is a simple code snippet demonstrating the use of Flex CSS.

.container {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    justify-content: space-between;

.item {
    flex-grow: 1;

This example consists of a flex container with two items in it.

Code Explanation

Let’s go over each line of the code to understand how it works.

The code starts with the definition of a CSS class .container. This is what we’re referring to as the “flex container”. It is the parent element that contains the “flex items” or children. The properties we set here will affect the positioning and alignment of the flex items

The display: flex; is the key to kickstart flex formatting. It turns the container into a flex container and the children into flex items.

flex-direction: row; configures how the flex items lay out along the primary axis. In our case, we define it as a row, which means items will lie along a horizontal line.

justify-content: space-between; aligns the items along the horizontal line in such a way that there is equal space between them. You can change this to ‘space-around’ or ‘center’ depending on your layout needs.

Next, we define a CSS class .item. These are the flex items inside the .container.

The flex-grow: 1; allows the items to grow if necessary to fill the extra space in the flex container. The value of ‘1’ makes sure all items grow equally to fill up the remaining space.

Experimenting with different property values in Flex CSS will give you a variety of results. This versatile CSS module is excellent for creating simple and complex layouts in a responsive, fluid manner. By understanding and mastering these few properties, you’re well on your way to becoming a pro at responsive design.
