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use custom font in css

Code snippet for how to use custom font in css with sample and detail explanation

Title: Use Custom Font in CSS


One of the most powerful tools in web design is the capability of applying custom fonts for unique and distinctive visuals. Understanding how to apply these custom fonts using CSS offers a creative edge to your websites.

Code Snippet for Implementing Custom Font

Here is an example of how you can incorporate custom fonts into your CSS:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'MyCustomFont';
    src: url('MyCustomFont.ttf');

body {
    font-family: 'MyCustomFont', Fallback, sans-serif;

In this simple code snippet, we are sourcing a custom font ‘MyCustomFont.ttf’ and applying it to the body of our HTML document.

Code Explanation for Implementing Custom Font

Let’s break down the code bit by bit:

  1. @font-face: The @font-face rule is used to customize a font to use in a webpage. It allows you to provide a name to the font family and the source of the customized font file in .ttf, .otf, or .woff format.

  2. font-family: This property within @font-face is used to give your font a name. This can be any name of your choosing. In the above snippet, we have named it ‘MyCustomFont’.

  3. src: This property is used to provide the URL where the font file is located. In this case, it is a local file named ‘MyCustomFont.ttf’.

  4. Applying the Custom Font: After defining the font-face, you can apply it to any HTML element using the font-family property. In our code snippet, we applied it to the whole body of the document.

  5. Fallback Fonts: It’s good to include a fallback font in case the browser does not support the custom font or the font file fails to load. In the code snippet, we’ve used ‘Fallback’ and ‘sans-serif’ as our fail-safe options.

Applying custom fonts using CSS can add an edge to your designs. It’s an easy and effective way to distinguish your websites. Happy designing!
