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text align center in css

Code snippet for how to text align center in css with sample and detail explanation

CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is a stylesheet language that is used to describe how a document written in HTML or XML (including various XML languages like SVG, MathML or XHTML) will look and feel. One of the most common tasks in CSS is text alignment, and in this article, we will explore how to align text center in CSS.

Code snippet for Text Align Center in CSS

In order to center-align text in CSS, you can use the text-align property with a value of center. Here is a simple example:

p {
    text-align: center;

In the code above, all text paragraphs in the HTML document will be aligned at the center.

Code Explanation for Text Align Center in CSS

The CSS text-align property is used to specify the horizontal alignment of an inline or a block-level element. The text-align property centers the text within its parent container, which could be a <div>, <section>, <article> or any of the other acceptable HTML tags.

In our example code, p is a CSS selector that selects all <p> (paragraph) elements in the HTML document. Then the style rule text-align: center; is applied to align the text in the center of its container.

The text-align property takes a few possible values, such as left, right, center, or justify. The center value is used to align the text in the center.

By assigning the text-align property to center, the text’s left and right margins will be set equally to each other, which will result in the text being centered within the designated space or its container.

And there you have it - a simple way to properly center-align your text using CSS. Now you can impress your colleagues or polish up your website with professionally aligned text. Happy coding!
