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style links in css

Code snippet for how to style links in css with sample and detail explanation

Something as minor as link styling can make a significant difference and enhance the user experience in your web design. In this article, we are going to learn how to style links in CSS effectively and in an eye-catching manner.

When implementing link styles, CSS offers a spectrum of properties to let you tweak and personalize your web page. Check out this CSS code snippet that styles links.

a:link {
  color: red;
  background-color: yellow;
  text-decoration: none;
a:visited {
  color: green;
a:hover {
  color: hotpink;
a:active {
  color: blue;

This snippet shows different styles you can apply to a hyperlink within your webpage.

The example breaks down into several segments, each demonstrating how to style a particular state of a link.

  1. a:link - This specifies the styles for unvisited links. In the snippet, unvisited links will appear in red color text with a yellow background and without the default underline decoration.

  2. a:visited - This sets the style for visited links. Here, it changes the link’s text color to green once a user has clicked and visited the link.

  3. a:hover - This allows you to determine how a link should appear when users hover their mouse cursor over it. For this example, the link text color changes to hot pink upon hovering.

  4. a:active - The active state is when the link is being clicked on. In this case, the text color changes to blue.

Remember to always include a:hover and a:active after the a:link and a:visited rules in your CSS specification, as the order matters. This is because they are pseudo-classes and are predefined in a particular order in the CSS standard.

Hence this example shows how you can style links differently for each state using CSS, in a simple to understand manner. It allows you to add a more dynamic and responsive feeling to your web page navigation.
