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position images in css

Code snippet for how to position images in css with sample and detail explanation

Positioning images in CSS is a powerful technique that allows web developers to control the visual layout of a website. Through this simple guide, we will explore ways to position your images using CSS with examples and explanations.

Positioning Images with CSS Code Snippet

Positioning images in CSS can be done through several methods. Here is a basic code snippet:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  .img-container {
     position: relative;
     width: 50%;

  .img-container img {
     display: block;
     width: 100%;
     height: auto;

  .img-container .caption {
     position: absolute;
     bottom: 3px;
     right: 5px;
     color: white;

<div class="img-container">
   <img src="your-image-source.jpg" alt="Your Image">
   <div class="caption">This is my image caption</div>


Code Explanation for Positioning Images with CSS

In the above HTML and CSS code:

  1. We first created a container div with a class name of “img-container”, this will hold our image and its caption.

  2. We set position: relative; to the .img-container. This makes it the parent container that the child elements can base their positioning off. When an element is positioned relative, it doesn’t move anywhere, it remains in its position but now we are able to use CSS properties like top, right, bottom, left, and z-index for its child element which is positioned absolutely or fixed.

  3. Inside the “img-container”, we added an img tag along with the src of the image and alt attribute for accessibility. The display: block;, width: 100%;, and height: auto; properties ensure the image is responsive and adjusts to the width of its container.

  4. We also added a div with a class of “caption”. This will overlay on the image as we set it to position: absolute;. The bottom: 3px; and right: 5px; positions it at the bottom right of the image.

  5. The color: white; property changes the color of the text to white to make it visible over the image.

With a good understanding of how positioning in CSS works, you can manipulate images and other elements on your page to create dynamic and appealing layouts. It just takes a bit of practice to become proficient. Happy coding!
