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move images in css

Code snippet for how to move images in css with sample and detail explanation

Moving images in CSS is a handy skill that can greatly enhance the dynamic aspect of a website. This brief article will outline a basic approach, using a coded example and an explanation of how it works.

Code snippet for Moving Images in CSS

We will start with a basic image where the goal is to change the image position with CSS.

Below is a small code snippet demonstrates how to move an image in CSS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
#img1 {
    position: absolute;
    left: 200px;

<img id="img1" src="yourImage.jpg" alt="A test image">


Code Explanation for Moving Images in CSS

The image moving process in CSS works essentially by manipulating the position attribute of the HTML image element.

  1. img id="img1" src="yourImage.jpg" alt="A test image" The HTML tag ‘img’ is used to embed an image in a web page. The ‘id’ attribute is used to specify a unique id for an HTML element. The ‘src’ attribute points to the URL of the image and the ‘alt’ attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it.

  2. #img1 {position: absolute;left: 200px;} In the CSS part of our code, ’#’ is used to select the element with a specific id, in this case “img1”. The ‘position: absolute;’ style is used to position the element relative to the nearest positioned ancestor. If no such ancestor exists, it uses the initial containing block. The ‘left: 200px;’ command moves the image 200 pixels from the left side of its container.

So, in practice, simply adjusting the ‘left:’ attribute in your CSS lets you shuffle the image around horizontally, whilst ‘top:’ does the same on the vertical axis.

Remember that you can replace ‘absolute’ with ‘relative’ or ‘fixed’ depending on your needs; ‘relative’ will position your image relative to its normal position, whereas ‘fixed’ will relative to the browser window. Be sure to experiment and see what works best for your design!
