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make text italic in css

Code snippet for how to make text italic in css with sample and detail explanation

CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, allows us to manipulate the appearance of HTML elements on a web page. One common use of CSS is changing font characteristics, including making text italicized.

Code snippet: Making Text Italic in CSS

To make text italic in CSS, you need to set the font-style property to italic for a specific HTML element. Here is a quick example:

p {
  font-style: italic;

This CSS code targets all paragraph <p> elements in your web page and makes the text within them italic.

Code Explanation for Making Text Italic in CSS

Let’s go through the CSS code in order:

  1. p: In CSS, elements are targeted by their HTML tag name. In this code, we are targeting all paragraph <p> tags in the HTML document. This means every paragraph on the web page will be affected by this CSS styling.

  2. { font-style: italic; }: Here we are setting the font-style property to italic. The font-style property controls whether the text is italicized, among other things like being oblique or normal. By setting this to italic, we make all text within the targeted paragraph tags appear in italic.

In conclusion, this simple two-line CSS code will convert all the text within the HTML <p> paragraph tags to be italicized. It is important to note this will apply globally to all paragraph text on the webpage. If you need to select a specific text or section, consider using CSS Classes or Ids.
