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make font bold css

Code snippet for how to make font bold css with sample and detail explanation

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a language used to add style to websites. This includes creating bold text, which can make certain elements of your webpage stand out and draw the viewer’s attention.

Code Snippet for Making Font Bold in CSS

p {
  font-weight: bold;

The above code snippet indicates that all paragraphs <p> in your document should be rendered in bold text.

Code Explanation for Making Font Bold in CSS

The CSS code works in this way:

The p at the beginning of the code snippet is what’s known as a selector. In this case, it’s targeting every <p> (paragraph) element in the HTML document.

The curly braces {} create a declarations block where we can place different CSS properties that we want to apply to the targeted element.

The property font-weight: bold; within the curly braces is what instructs the browser to render the text in bold.

The total effect of the code is that any text within paragraph tags (<p>...</p>) will appear bold on the webpage.

This is a straightforward way using CSS to make text bold. However, do remember that thoughtful use of bold font can help important information stand out, but too much bold can also overwhelm and confuse your audience.
