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italicize in css

Code snippet for how to italicize in css with sample and detail explanation

Title: How to Italicize Text in CSS

In this article, we’ll explore one of the most basic and commonly-used features in CSS, text styling. Specifically, we’re going to focus on how to italicize text, using different methods available in CSS.

Code Snippet

To italicize text, we can simply use the font-style property in CSS. Here’s a basic application in which we italicize a paragraph of text:

p {
  font-style: italic;

In this code, p is the selector that targets all <p> elements (paragraphs) on your webpage, and font-style: italic; is the declaration that applies the italic style to these elements.

Code Explanation

To breakdown this simple code snippet, we’ll go through it step by step:

  1. p: This is known as the selector in CSS. Selectors choose which HTML elements to implement style changes on. In this case, we are targeting all paragraph elements on the webpage. If you wanted to apply the style to a different HTML element, such as headers (<h1>, <h2>, etc.) or divisions (<div>), you would substitute p with the appropriate tag.

  2. {}: The brackets are used to encapsulate any declarations for the current selector.

  3. font-style:: This is a property in CSS which modifies the style of the font. Several values can be set for font-style, but for our example, we chose italic.

  4. italic;: This value assigned to font-style will cause the selected element, in our case, the paragraph text, to appear in italics. It’s important not to forget the semicolon (;) at the end of the line. In CSS, the semicolon is mandatory to signal the end of each declaration.

Remember, this rule will apply to all the elements you’ve targeted with your selector. So, in this example, all the paragraph text on your webpage will appear in italics. If you only want to apply this rule to a particular paragraph, you can give that paragraph a unique id or class and use that as the selector instead. Here’s an example in which only a paragraph with the id italic-para will be italicized:

#italic-para {
  font-style: italic;

In conclusion, using font-style in CSS is a quick and simple way to influence the aesthetic of your website. Experiment with it and see how it changes the appearance and feel of your webpage!
