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get rid of bullet points in css

Code snippet for how to get rid of bullet points in css with sample and detail explanation

How to Remove Bullet Points in CSS

Getting rid of bullet points is an essential aspect of webpage layout design. In this article, let me walk you through how to erase bullet points from lists in the CSS stylesheet.

Code Snippet

Here is a simple CSS code snippet which allows you to remove bullet points from your HTML list.

ul {
  list-style-type: none;

This code tells the browser not to use any styles for the list items in the unordered (ul) list.

Code Explanation

CSS or Cascading Style Sheet is the design language that decides the style and look of HTML elements on a webpage. In this tutorial, we are focusing on the HTML unordered list (<ul> tag), and specifically, we discuss how to remove the bullet points that come as default with every <ul> list.

As default, all <li> (list item) within <ul> will be displayed with bullet points. By using CSS, we can modify and remove these bullet points.

ul { list-style-type: none; }

This CSS code is quite simple and easy to understand; now, let’s break it down:

  • ul: This is the CSS Selector. It selects all the HTML elements that are <ul>.
  • {}: These brackets contain the CSS Properties which will be applied to the selected HTML elements - in this case, <ul>.
  • list-style-type: This property specifies the type of list item marker.
  • none: This is a value that sets the list item marker type to none - which means, no marker.

By setting the list-style-type to none, we are removing the bullet points coming along with the unordered list (<ul> tags) in our HTML document. With this code, all lists enclosed within <ul> tags on your webpage will remain un-bulleted or unmarked.

This is one of many fantastic usability features CSS offers to the developers, enabling more control over the webpage’s layout and design. In a few simple lines of code, you can widely modify and enhance the look of HTML elements on your webpage.
