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change text size css

Code snippet for how to change text size css with sample and detail explanation

CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is an essential tool in web design that enhances the presentation of HTML documents. In this brief article, we’ll discuss specifically how to change the text size in CSS, simplifying a task that’s crucial to ensuring the readability and aesthetics of your webpage.

Code snippet: Changing Text Size in CSS

In the world of CSS, there are a number of units you can use to specify the size of text. Among the most commonly used are ‘px’, ‘em’, ‘rem’, and ’%‘. For our example, we’ll use ‘px’, which is the abbreviation for pixels.

Here’s a simple CSS code snippet that specifies a font size:

p {
  font-size: 20px;

In this snippet, ‘p’ represents a paragraph element. The font size for all paragraph elements on the web page is set to be 20 pixels.

Code Explanation: Changing Text Size in CSS

In our example above, we selected paragraph elements using ‘p’. This is known as a selector in CSS. The selector is followed by curly braces ’{ }’, inside which we’ve added our property and value. The property is ‘font-size’, which naturally controls the size of the font. The value ‘20px’ is what we’ve chosen for our font size.

Breaking down the code:

  1. p: This is the selector and in this case, it represents all paragraph elements in the HTML document.

  2. {: This symbol marks the start of the declaration block.

  3. font-size: 20px;: ‘font-size’ is the CSS property that defines the font size of text elements. It’s followed by ’:’ and ‘20px’, which is the value. In CSS, pixel values are just one of the units you can use to define font size. ‘20px’ means the text size of all paragraph elements will be 20 pixels. It’s important to remember to end this line with a semicolon ’;’, which acts like a full stop in CSS.

  4. }: This closing curly brace indicates the end of the declaration block.

This declaration (‘font-size: 20px;’) will be applied to all paragraph elements on the page. If you want to apply the same font size to all text in your HTML document regardless of their elements, you can use the universal selector ’*‘:

* {
  font-size: 20px;

Remember, CSS links design with content. When you change the CSS file, the style modifications will be applied globally on your webpage, affording you control over the appearance of your website’s content.
