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change background color in css

Code snippet for how to change background color in css with sample and detail explanation

The ability to modify background color is a fundamental skill in CSS, opening up a wide range of aesthetic customization for your website. This article provides an easy-to-follow guide on how to change the background color in CSS.

Code Snippet

Changing the background color through CSS can be achieved with a few lines of code. Below is an example:

body {
    background-color: #f0f0f0;

In this case, #f0f0f0 is the color code for a very light grey. You can replace this hex color code with any color you desire.

Code Explanation

To understand how the above code works, let’s break it down.

  • body: This is a CSS selector, which selects HTML elements on the page to apply styles to. Here, the body selector targets the entire body of your webpage.

  • {...}: The curly braces contain the statements that are to be executed when the defined selector is matched. In our case, there is only one statement, but you could list more, each one separated by semicolons.

  • background-color: This is a CSS property used to set the background color of an element. The color can be defined in various formats such as name (e.g., “blue”), RGB (e.g., “rgb(0, 0, 255)”), HEX (e.g., “#0000ff”), or HSL (e.g., “hsl(240, 100%, 50%)”). Here, we used the HEX format.

  • #f0f0f0: This is the hex code that represents our chosen color. Each pair of characters represents red, green, and blue components, respectively. In our example, f0 for red, f0 for green, and f0 for blue make a light grey color. You can choose your color code from many online resources.

So, our code snippet tells the browser “Apply the background color #f0f0f0 to the whole body of the webpage.”

You can follow this pattern to change the background color of any specific HTML element, replacing body with the appropriate selector. For example, replace body with .class-name to select a class, or #id-name to select an ID.
