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center image css

Code snippet for how to center image css with sample and detail explanation

In today’s digital world, HTML and CSS are fundamental tools for creating dynamic and stylish websites. Nailing the basics, such as how to center an image using CSS, is a must-have skill. This article will provide you with the knowledge required to do just that by offering a core code snippet and an in-depth step-by-step explanation.

Code snippet for centering an image in CSS

Here’s a basic CSS code snippet that will center an image within its parent container:

img {
  display: block;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

This CSS code is directly targeting all the <img> tags on your webpage. If you want to target a specific image, you can replace img with a class or an id.

Code Explanation for Centering an Image in CSS

The code snippet functions by interacting with the display, margin-left and margin-right properties. Here’s a breakdown of each to help you understand their roles in centering the image.

display: block;

This code sets the display property of your image to “block”. By default, an <img> element is an inline element which means that it’s aligned with the normal flow of text and you cannot apply top or bottom margin to it. By converting it into a block-level element, you make the image behave like a block box, allowing you to manipulate the margins, thus aiding in the centering.

margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;

Margin auto is a very efficient way to center a block element horizontally. When both the left and right margins are ‘auto’, the element automatically gets equal space on both sides and thus, it gets centered.

Remember to ensure the parent container of the image has a set width, otherwise the margins might not work as expected.

In conclusion, we’ve turned our image into a block-level element and then used auto margins to center it within its container. Learn and understand these properties and you’ll be well on your way to crafting beautifully designed webpages. Happy coding!
