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center a heading in css

Code snippet for how to center a heading in css with sample and detail explanation

Center a Heading in CSS

In this article, we’ll be unpacking the step-by-step methods of centering headings in CSS. Centering headings is a fundamental skill in web design, enhancing the overall look, readability, and professional touch of your webpage.

Code Snippet

To achieve our mission of centering the title, we’ll be starting with a simple piece of CSS code:

h1 {
  text-align: center;

This snippet forms the crux of our solution.

Code Explanation

Let’s break it down and explain each element of this snippet and understand how it works in a step-by-step manner.

In CSS, each HTML element is selected by its tag, class, or id. Here, we are selecting the ‘h1’ HTML element, which typically represents the most important heading on the page.

The curly braces {} contain the attributes we want to give to the selected element. In this case, we are giving one attribute text-align: center;.

text-align is a CSS property that specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within an element.

There are four possible values for text-align: left, right, center, and justify. Here we’re using center, which means the text will be aligned in the center of the element’s line box.

So, this whole piece of code simply means, make the text inside the ‘h1’ tag align at the center.

This centering method applies to all text elements within the specified tag, in this case, h1.

It’s important to note that it won’t center the block on the page, only the text within it. To center the block itself, you’ll need to apply different CSS properties, such as setting left and right margins to ‘auto’.

With this simple CSS rule, you can align and polish your webpage headings to create a more balanced, professional design. Happy coding!
