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add space between elements in css

Code snippet for how to add space between elements in css with sample and detail explanation

Adding Space Between Elements in CSS

Adding space between elements in CSS is a fundamental step for enhancing the visual presentation of your web content. It can help organize content, improve readability, and even contribute to the overall aesthetic of your site.

Code snippet for Adding Space

To include space between elements, the most common CSS property is margin. Here is a simple usage with HTML and CSS:

<div class="blue">Blue</div>
<div class="green">Green</div>

  .blue {
     background: blue;
     margin-bottom: 50px;
     padding: 20px;
  .green {
     background: green;
     padding: 20px;

Code Explanation for Adding Space

In the CSS snippet provided, the margin-bottom property is used to create a 50px space between the ‘blue’ and ‘green’ div elements on the page.

Starting with the HTML, two divs are declared. One has a class of ‘blue’, the other ‘green’, and they contain the words ‘Blue’ and ‘Green’ respectively.

Moving on to the CSS:

  • The ‘.blue’ class specifies that this style should be applied to the element with class ‘blue’.

  • The background: blue; line changes the background color of the div to blue.

  • The margin-bottom: 50px; line is where the spacing is added. This tells the browser to keep a 50px gap between the bottom edge of the blue div and any content that follows it in the normal flow of the document.

  • Finally, the padding: 20px; line adds a 20px space between the content of the div (the word ‘Blue’) and its boundary.

The ‘green’ div is styled similarly, but without the margin-bottom line since we only need to add spacing once.

By adjusting the value of the margin-bottom property, you can alter the distance between the elements to meet the specific needs of your design. This technique can be applied to any HTML elements, not just divs, to help enhance your web content layout and presentation.
