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add a background image in css

Code snippet for how to add a background image in css with sample and detail explanation

Title: How to Add a Background Image in CSS

Introduction: Learning how to add a background image in CSS can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your web page. The steps are simple and easy to follow, even for those who are new to web design.

Code Snippet for Adding a Background Image in CSS

To add a background image to your website, your CSS code should look something like this:

body {
    background-image: url("your-image.jpg");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: fixed;  
    background-size: cover; 

Code Explanation for Adding a Background Image in CSS

This simple code works step by step to add an image to the background of your webpage:

  • The first line of the code selects the “body” of your HTML document. This means that the rest of the code will apply to the entire page.
body {
  • The second line of the code adds the image that you want to use as your background. Instead of “your-image.jpg”, you should add the URL or file path of the image you want to use.
background-image: url("your-image.jpg");
  • The third line tells the browser that the image should not repeat. If your image is smaller than your page, it will only appear once.
background-repeat: no-repeat;
  • The fourth line ensures the background image is fixed, meaning it will not scroll when your visitor scrolls down the page.
background-attachment: fixed;
  • The final line of the code changes the size of the image to “cover” the whole screen. This means it will stretch or shrink to fill the screen, while maintaining its aspect ratio.
background-size: cover;
  • At the end, don’t forget to end the body style with a closing brace.

Remember, using a CSS background image can significantly improve your webpage’s look and feel, but you should always make sure the image you choose is of high quality and visually appealing.
