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declare a class in C

Code snippet on how to declare a class in C

  class MyClass {
       int x;
       int getX();
       void setX(int x);
This code shows how to declare a class in C. A class is a blueprint for an object, which is a grouping of related variables and functions. In this example, a class named MyClass is declared. The keyword “private” always appears first and means that the variables defined after it can only be accessed within the class. In this example, an integer value x is declared as a private variable. After the private section, the keyword “public” is declared. This means that any functions defined after it will be accessible by objects. In this example, three class functions are declared. The first is the constructor, which is a special function that will be called whenever an object is created. The other two function declarations are getX and setX, which are intended to read and write the value of the private variable x.