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Use A Conditional To Check Less Than Number In C#

Code snippet for how to Use A Conditional To Check Less Than Number In C# with sample and detail explanation

In C#, conditionals are vital components in programming because they enable the execution of specific blocks of code based on certain set conditions. Here, we will discuss how to use a conditional to check if a certain number is less than another number in the C# language.

Code Snippet

For our example, we’ll use a simple bit of code that checks if a user’s input number is less than another predetermined number. Here’s how you might go about creating it:

Console.WriteLine("Enter a number: ");
int userInput = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
int checkNum = 10;

if(userInput < checkNum) {
    Console.WriteLine("The entered number is less than 10");
} else {
    Console.WriteLine("The entered number is greater than or equal to 10");

Code Explanation

This bit of code begins by asking the user to input a number. It then reads this input and converts it into an integer using Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());.

The next line, int checkNum = 10; assigns the value of 10 to a variable named checkNum. This is the number that will be used for comparison.

Next is an if conditional statement. This statement evaluates whether the value of userInput is less than checkNum.

If the condition userInput < checkNum is true (that is, if the user’s input number is less than 10), the text “The entered number is less than 10” will display in the console.

On the other hand, if the condition is false (that is, if the user’s input number is greater than or equal to 10), the text “The entered number is greater than or equal to 10” will display.

This piece of code is a straightforward illustration of how you can use conditionals in C# to compare numeric values. By managing the interaction between the user’s input and preset conditions, you can create more complex and meaningful interactions in your C# projects.
