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Use A Conditional To Check Greater Than Number In C#

Code snippet for how to Use A Conditional To Check Greater Than Number In C# with sample and detail explanation

In this article, we’re going to delve into the world of C# programming by learning how to use conditionals to check if a number is greater than a specified value. Through understanding this, you will be able to create more dynamic and adaptable programs that can change their behaviour based on different conditions.

Code snippet: Checking a Number with a Conditional

Here is a straightforward snippet of code written in C#:

 public class Program
     public static void Main()
        int num = 7; 

        if (num > 5)
             Console.WriteLine("Number is greater than 5");
             Console.WriteLine("Number is not greater than 5");

Code Explanation: Checking a Number with a Conditional

Now, let’s break down this code step by step to understand how it works:

  • The code begins by defining a new class called Program. This is standard practice when scripting in C#.

  • Inside this class, we have a Main method. This method is the entry point of any C# program.

    • Inside the Main method, we define an integer num and assign it the value of 7.
  • Then, we reach the conditional statement. Here, if (num > 5) is asking, “Is the value of num greater than 5?”

    • If the answer is yes, the code inside the ‘if’ statement is executed, and we will see “Number is greater than 5” output in the console.

    • If the answer is no, the code inside the ‘else’ statement will run instead, and we will see “Number is not greater than 5” output to the console.

    So, in this specific case, since 7 is indeed greater than 5, we will see “Number is greater than 5” as the output.

As you can see, conditionals are a powerful tool in programming that allow our code to make decisions based on specific criteria. They serve as the building blocks for creating more complex and interactive applications.
