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Split A String In C#

Code snippet for how to Split A String In C# with sample and detail explanation

C# is a programming language that provides numerous built-in functions for managing strings. One of these functions allows for the splitting of strings, making it easy to break down text into smaller components.

Code snippet for Splitting a String in C#

// declaring a string
string sentence = "Learning to split a string in C#";

// splitting the string and storing in an array
string[] words = sentence.Split(' ');

	foreach (var word in words)

Code Explanation for Splitting a String in C#

In the line string sentence = "Learning to split a string in C#"; we simply declare a string name sentence and initialize it with the text we want to split.

The next line string[] words = sentence.Split(' '); is where the magic happens. The ‘Split’ function is a built-in function of the ‘string’ class in C#. It is used to divide a string into multiple strings based on a particular separator. Inside the ‘Split’ function, we are passing a whitespace ’ ’ character, indicating that we want to split the sentence every place where a whitespace appears. The result of this function, an array of strings, is stored in the ‘words’ variable.

The last part of the code

	foreach (var word in words)

is a simple foreach loop that iterates over each element in the ‘words’ array and writes each word (obtained from the split operation) to the console.

After running the code, the following output will be seen in the console:


By using the Split function, we can easily break down a longer string into its constituent parts for further processing or analysis.
