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Replace A Word In A String In C#

Code snippet for how to Replace A Word In A String In C# with sample and detail explanation

C# provides many handy features that simplify the programmer’s life. One of these features includes manipulating strings with built-in methods and function. In this article, we are going to explore how to replace a word in a string in C#.

Code Snippet: Replace a Word in a String in C#

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        string initialString = "Hello, world!";
        string replacedString = initialString.Replace("world", "C#");

Code Explanation for: Replace a Word in a String in C#

Firstly, we need to analyze our C# code step-by-step to understand how it works. Each segment of code plays a vital role in successfully replacing a word within a string.

Step 1: Import the System namespace.

using System;

We begin by importing the System namespace, which provides fundamental classes and base types.

Step 2: Define a Public Class.

public class Program

In C#, every executable code is contained within classes. Here we declare a public class named “Program”.

Step 3: Define the Main Method.

public static void Main()

We then declare the main method, which is the entry point for execution. The main method must be static since it’s globally accessible and doesn’t pertain to a specific instance of the class.

Step 4: Declare and Initialize String Variable.

string initialString = "Hello, world!";

We declare a string variable named initialString and initialize it with the value “Hello, world!“.

Step 5: Replace Word in the String.

string replacedString = initialString.Replace("world", "C#");

Here, we declare another string variable ‘replacedString’ and initialize it by calling the Replace() method on ‘initialString’. Inside the Replace() method, we pass two arguments - the word to be replaced (“world”) and the word to replace with (“C#”).

Step 6: Output the Replaced String.


Finally, we use Console.WriteLine() method to print the ‘replacedString’ to the console. This will display “Hello, C#!” since “world” is replaced with “C#“.

In conclusion, by utilizing the Replace() method provided by the String class in C#, we can easily replace a word within a string.
