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Loop Through Each Character In A String In C#

Code snippet for how to Loop Through Each Character In A String In C# with sample and detail explanation

In this article, we’ll be exploring how to loop through each character in a string in C#. This is a fundamental concept in programming that can often be overlooked but is crucial in developing various applications and software.

Code snippet for Character Looping in a String

In C#, looping through each character in a string can be achieved with a simple foreach loop. Here is a simple code snippet that demonstrates this:

string str = "Hello World";
foreach (char c in str)

Code Explanation for Character Looping in a String

Let’s break down the code step by step to understand how we loop through each character in a string in C#.

  1. We first declare a string str and assign it the value “Hello World”.
string str = "Hello World";
  1. Next, we initiate a foreach loop. The foreach loop is a control flow statement for traversing items in a collection. In our case, the collection is the string str.
foreach (char c in str)
  1. Within the foreach loop, we have a System.Console.WriteLine(c); statement. This command prints out the characters of the string str one by one. Here c is the variable that holds the current character during each iteration of the loop.

In C#, a string is essentially a sequential read-only collection of char data type. Hence, we can use a foreach loop to go through each item which, in this case, is a character. This small but mighty piece of code represents one of the many powerful actions you can perform on strings in C#!
