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Implement A Two Nested Loop In C#

Code snippet for how to Implement A Two Nested Loop In C# with sample and detail explanation

In the world of C#, loops are an integral part of the code execution process. They are the building blocks for many algorithms and data structures. In this article, we will guide you on how to implement a two nested loop in C#.

Code Snippet for Two Nested Loop

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
        Console.WriteLine("i: {0}, j:{1}", i, j);

Code Explanation for Two Nested Loop

In the presented code snippet, we have implemented two nested for loops. First, let’s understand the ‘for’ loop in C#. A ‘for’ loop is a control flow statement, which allows code to be repeatedly executed.

The syntax for a ‘for’ loop is: “for (initial-statement; test-expression; increment/decrement-statement)”, where:

  • initial-statement: It is executed once before the execution of the code block.
  • test-expression: Each time before the code block within the loop is executed, this condition is evaluated. If it returns true, the code block will be executed. If it returns false, control goes out of the loop.
  • increment/decrement-statement: It is executed each time after the execution of the code block.

In the given code, there are two nested ‘for’ loops. The outer loop starts with i=0. For each iteration of i (i=0 to 4), the inner loop is invoked. The inner loop starts with j=0 and runs for j=0 to 4. Hence, for each iteration of ‘i’, the inner loop will iterate five times. Thus in total, the Console.WriteLine() statement will be executed 25 times (5*5), with values of i and j ranging from 0 to 4.

These types of nested loops are commonly used in programs and algorithms dealing with multidimensional arrays and matrices. They are also helpful in situations where you need to cross-compare elements from different data structures or containers within your code.
