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Get The Nth Element Of Array In C#

Code snippet for how to Get The Nth Element Of Array In C# with sample and detail explanation

C# is a versatile programming language with a wide range of built-in functionality. In this article, we will discuss how to get the nth element of an array using C#.

Code snippet for Getting the Nth Element of Array

Let’s first initialize an array and then gather the nth element:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int[] array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
        int nth = 3;
        Console.WriteLine($"The {nth}rd element of the array is: {array[nth - 1]}");

Code Explanation for Getting the Nth Element of Array

Let’s break the code down line by line:

  1. We start with using System;. Here we are simply importing the System namespace, which contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types.

  2. The class Program is where we are defining our new class. In C#, every line of code that runs needs to be inside a class.

  3. static void Main() is the Main method which is the entry point of a C# application.

  4. In the line int[] array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};, we declare and initialize an array of integers. This array contains 5 elements.

  5. int nth = 3; Here, we’re declaring a variable nth which denotes the position of the element we want to retrieve.

  6. Here comes the important line where we actually retrieve the nth element from the array: Console.WriteLine($"The {nth}rd element of the array is: {array[nth - 1]}");

    • We’re using Console.WriteLine to print a line to the console.

    • The $"The {nth}rd element of the array is: {array[nth - 1]}" is an interpolated string. The {nth} and {array[nth - 1]} are placeholders that get replaced by the value of nth and the nth-1st element of the array respectively when the string gets printed.

    • The array[nth - 1] is how we retrieve the nth element from the array. As we know, arrays are 0-indexed in C#. Hence to get the nth element, we need to subtract one from n.

  7. Thus, when we run this program, it will output: The 3rd element of the array is: 3.

This wraps up our step by step tutorial on how to get the nth element of an array in C#. As we’ve seen, C# provides a simple and straightforward way to access array elements.
