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Get The Last Element Of Array In C#

Code snippet for how to Get The Last Element Of Array In C# with sample and detail explanation

Programming languages, including C#, provide different ways to manipulate arrays. One common operation is retrieving the last element of an array, a task that might seem complex but is relatively straightforward once you grasp the concepts involved.

Code snippet for Getting the Last Element of Array in C#

string[] names = {"John", "Doe", "Mark", "Sam"};
string lastElement = names[names.Length - 1];

Code Explanation for Getting the Last Element of Array in C#

This code snippet is designed to retrieve the last element from the given array in the C# programming language. Let’s break it down and understand how exactly this works:

  1. string[] names = {"John", "Doe", "Mark", "Sam"}; This line of code defines an array called names, which contains four elements.

  2. string lastElement = names[names.Length - 1];: After defining the array, we want the last element. In C#, arrays are zero-indexed meaning, the first item is at position 0. Consequently, the last item is at the position tied to the length of the array minus 1 (names.Length - 1). This line of code effectively retrieves the last element from the names array.

  3. System.Console.WriteLine(lastElement);: The last line prints the last element of the array. By running this code, “Sam” (the last element in the array) will be displayed in the console.

And there you have it, a clean, efficient way to retrieve the last element of an array in C#. In extending the concept, you should keep in mind that specific scenarios may require additional steps or variations. However, this basic explanation serves as a starting point for understanding how to work with arrays in C#.
