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Declare A Function With Multiple Parameter In C#

Code snippet for how to Declare A Function With Multiple Parameter In C# with sample and detail explanation

Function declaration and usage are the backbone of any programming language. In C#, functions can be defined with multiple parameters, enhancing the capability and efficiency of your program. Today, we will delve into how to declare a function with multiple parameters in C#.

Code snippet

Below is a simple illustration of a function declared with multiple parameters:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        printFullName("James", "Anderson");
    static void printFullName(string firstName, string lastName)
        Console.WriteLine("Full name is: " + firstName + " " + lastName);

Code Explanation

The given code snippet is a simple program that uses a function with multiple parameters to print an individual’s full name.

We start by declaring a public class named Program, this will serve as our main program class.

Inside it, we use the public static void Main function, which is the entry point of any C# program. This function takes string arrays called args as a parameter.

Inside the Main function, we call another function named printFullName that we wrote. This function takes two strings, “James” and “Anderson”, as parameters.

After our Main function, we declare the function printFullName. It’s static, meaning you don’t need an instance of this function to call it. Its return type is void, which means it doesn’t return anything. It takes two parameters - firstName and lastName - both of which are strings.

Once called, the printFullName function uses Console.WriteLine() to output the string “Full name is: ” followed by the firstName parameter, a space, and then the lastName parameter.

This is an example of how you can declare and use a function in C# with multiple parameters. With this knowledge, you can now create more complex and dynamic functions. Happy coding!
