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Cut A String In C#

Code snippet for how to Cut A String In C# with sample and detail explanation

Strings are essential in most kind of programming tasks. In this article, we discuss how to effectively cut a string in the C# programming language, with step-by-step examples and explanations.

Code Snippet for Cutting a String in C#

string exampleString = "Hello World!";
string subString = exampleString.Substring(0, 5);

In this code snippet, we start with a string exampleString having the value “Hello World!“. We then use the Substring method to cut it, and store the resulting string in subString.

Code Explanation for Cutting a String in C#

  1. Firstly, initialize a string variable exampleString with the text “Hello World!“.
string exampleString = "Hello World!";

The variable exampleString now contains the string “Hello World!“.

  1. On the next line of the code, the Substring method is used. The method Substring is used in string manipulation in C#. It takes two parameters: the start index and the length of the substring.
string subString = exampleString.Substring(0, 5);

We start at index 0 (the beginning of the string) and take a substring of length 5. This means that the first five characters of exampleString will be captured. The variable subString now contains the string “Hello”.

  1. Lastly, the resulting string is printed onto the console to verify the result.

You should see the output as “Hello” when you run this code.

In conclusion, the Substring method in C# offers a quick and easy way to cut or extract a portion of a string. You can adjust the starting index and length parameters to tailor it to your specific needs. Remember, like many programming languages, string indexing in C# starts from 0.
